Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I m SORRY world!!! :(

Sorry that i've abandoned my BLOG for a period of time. today i feel like writing something, so I've decided to blog about my LIFE recently.
many drama happened to me actually. UPS and DOWNS. :/
I have nothing to say about it.
life is unpredictable, i will never noe what will happen tmr. today may be the best day of my life, then tmr might be the worst nightmare. seriously, i just want a happy and simple life <3
I never beg for any pricey or branded stuffs. all i need is love and care by my family and loved ones.
I m not a perfect child. nobody is perfect right? I m kinda good girl already, i mean compared to the worse ones la.
But then sometimes i m kinda rebellious.
if u noe me since ever,i think u will noe that if u want me to do something, the more i will not do the thing. i will just go against it.
so if u want to handle me or want me to be a goodgirl, please go by the soft way but not the hardway. if u wanna noe something from me, ask me patiently, bt not by threatening me. ;) REMEMBER THAT OK world??
ANOTHER thing i wanna ask is:
do u guys ever realised ppl now always talk about branded stuffs?.. Honestly, i dont really understand. == Is it that proud and happy to have branded things on ur body??
HELLO!!! I m FUCKING happy with the fake POWERPUFF GIRLS shirt and pants that bought from market when i was younG OK???
Is it that important to own those stuffs?? R we going to die of hunger if we don't have any branded stuffs?? -.-"
nevermind~ i will never understand that. I will just accept that the world is changinG.

P/S: next post will be all about U! just wait patiently. :) <3

Nights world!
love lots!!
maine <3

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